Welcome to Resell Rights Magic. My goal here is to teach you how to earn extra income online by selling other peoples products! This is the fastest, easiest way to make money online. Resell Rights products are easily found all over the internet at very reasonable prices, making this an inexpensive option for you to create YOUR online presence.

February 10, 2010

Using Article Marketing to Sell Your Resell Rights Products

Article marketing is a major consideration in any serious traffic generation profile – and to make sure you're getting the most out of article writing to market your resell rights products, you need to understand the basics of how they work.

Article marketing is simple and effective basically because it's hands off. You can use articles as viral marketing - the back links that sites like E-zine articles and other article marketing sites alone make it a valuable and viable contribution to your article marketing projects. And if people like your articles they may use them on their own sites, which gets more eyes on the resell rights product you are offering.

Its important to remember though, you've got to actually work at it. Article marketing is a high quality form of marketing - you've got to make sure that the final product reflects well on you - not only to get them accepted, but also because this article will be your 'face' on several sites. Article reprints spread far and wide, and the best ones can carry on for far longer than you'd normally expect. I am still getting traffic from an article I posted almost two years ago.

Once you understand how they work, you can work with the methods that make them so successful, and go from standard success to stellar in a couple of simple steps. You'll also need to get accounts with sites you want to submit your content to – and check out their guidelines. Make sure you understand the rules on keywords and outgoing links specifically, as they are the two biggest reasons your article may not be accepted.

Building a Strong Article

The first and most important few words of your article are in the title or the headline - they should indicate, or offer something that ties into the article itself, and makes sense to your reader, once they’ve read it, which means that if you name it something like ‘When life hands you lemons, build a dot com’ - it should make complete sense to the reader as to why you chose that specific title.

Once you’ve chosen and written your title (which can be before, or after you’ve written the article itself), you should move on to the first paragraphs - they should explain, clearly, the message you’re trying to share, over the course of the article. This is one of the primary methods that e-zine owners and newsletter producers, and of course, website owners use to choose content by.

Your title should be catchy and informational on its own. If you’ve started your content with writing your title - you can then move on to running over the points you want to share in your article, a piece at a time. This way of sharing information makes for good, interesting articles that aren’t overly long and can focus on one or two important points that you want to share.

Article writing for the net isn't complicated - a great formula and rule of thumb to remember is most people skim read content online, so you need lots of subheadings, and paragraphs of between three and eight lines long. You can write slightly longer, or shorter, for things like bulleted lists. This works well because people skim read - and have an incredibly short attention span.

Go easy on the exclamation points, as well. One exclamation point indicates importance or excitement... a half a dozen are just rude, and mark you as an amateur writer, which, in turn, will get you rejected from the article sites you’ve been working towards being accepted in - another sign of amateur writing is all capitals in the titles. Only use caps for the first letter of each word. DON'T SHOUT.

Writing a Bio or Resource Box

Bios are simply a brief description of who the author is, and further links to contact, or read more by them. Most bios relate directly to the information that is being shared in the articles – and will share one or two urls relating to the subject at hand –in your case, your site or sites.

Your resource box at the end of the article is the part that is most important to you. You'll use it to direct people to your site. It’s a short biography at the end of each article you produce, which anyone using the articles has to leave in place. This is why they are so good as traffic tools - these article marketing high points are just a couple of the perks.

Two tips about bios:
1. Most article directories (including E-zinearticles.com) will not allow you to link directly to a sales page. Yours or an affiliates either one. You will need a go-between if you will, such as a blog. More on blogs can be found  HERE.
2. People DO NOT care to read about you in your bio (sorry : ) Your bio should lead them to more information on the subject of your article. Ex. This guys article is about how to make money from your blog. This is his bio:
"You too can start making money from blogging and follow an exact step-by-step system for blogging profits in your part-time with great potential for earnings. In today's modern world making money from blogging has never been easier."

In this case, both of his hyperlinks (indicated in bold) lead you to his blog about….guess what? How To Make Money With Your Blog! Go to  http://ezinearticles.com/  and just poke around. They have some awesome training and tips and you can see what everyone else is doing with their articles. Hey, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Right?

Chris Knight, the CEO of Ezine Articles is a great guy & the whole team is there to help you all the way. They are the strictest of the article directories you can use but are also of the best quality.

Discover the Value of EzineArticles.com

It’s also important to remember that people will read content by you if they've enjoyed you as a writer, or content provider, they will look for you again, and visit your site, which is why it’s of vital importance that you create a landing page (blog) from all of your articles, linked via your resource box that will lead them to more information about your resell rights product.

When they first come into the industry, it might come as something of a surprise to many newbie internet marketers that you can actually make a profit from something as simple and straightforward as writing articles. However, the truth of the matter is that it is perfectly feasible to earn a very reasonable amount of money every month from writing articles. Indeed, many experienced article writers are doing exactly that as you read these words.

Nor is there anything particularly magical or mysterious about how you make a profit from articles. There is, however, a process that you must follow in order to make money from articles that you create for online marketing purposes.

Furthermore, in order to maximize the effectiveness and profitability of the articles you write, there are also certain rules that you must follow. This is because, in addition to publishing your written materials on your own websites or blogs, you will also be submitting materials to external sites with a view to having them published online by those other sites.

Of course, every site that you approach with a request to publish your work will have their own rules, terms of service and conditions. For that reason, many of the suggestions and recommendations that you will read here are generally acceptable, but you should check each individual site that you plan to work with in order to confirm the specifics of what they require.

That being said, it is a fact that article writing is one of the quickest and easiest ways of starting to earn money on the internet. As long as you write articles in the way that has been highlighted here you could make a handsome profit from writing articles. In fact, there is not really any simpler way that I know of making money online than by writing articles.

Let me just pause here for a minute and tell you right now, you are going to have a lot of logins (usernames and passwords) to keep up with! One thing that you can do which will help you to shortcut the process is to download and install the free version of  Roboform. This will remember all of the major details that you need to complete on every account application form and that in itself will save you a mass of time. The free version is limited to 10 passwords but they do have a fairly inexpensive Pro Version (about $30) which I use and could not do without. I keep all my log-ins in it. (Don’t ask me my password for anything, ask Roboform!)

For more information about this very useful little tool, click on the link above or watch this short video:

O.K. back to our article marketing. Understand too that making money by writing and publishing articles is a cumulative numbers game. You will not get rich quick! The more articles you write and have published, the more your sites will enjoy visitors and therefore, by natural extension, the more money you will make.

And, over time, that momentum will build as well. Another factor about making money from articles is that, whilst they may not always be the quickest way of driving visitors to a monetized site, they are one of the longest lasting ways of doing so.

Once your articles start being seen and noticed on the article directory sites, for example, then you can realistically expect to see visitors arriving on your site from those same articles for many months afterwards. In fact, I still have articles that drive visitors to my sites more than a year or more after they were first published, and that is with no additional marketing or promotional efforts whatsoever.

And one final word. If after reading this, you think that this all sounds great but you just cannot write, so it cannot work for you, don’t despair! Outsource the initial writing work using a site like Elance.com, where you will generally be able to pick up unique articles for $5.00 or so.

See, even if you can’t write to save your life, you can still make a handsome profit from articles!

This was recommended to me by someone that's been doing this for a long time. It is an eBook that will show you how to really profit from Articles. Check it Out Here:

You can read more about article marketing in my other article found  HERE

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